Clinics and Services


Find out more about the services we offer


Adult Immunisations

We provide the following adult immunisations:

  • 65 years old: Pneumococcal
  • 65 years and older: Influenza
  • 70 years old: Shingles

Find out if you are eligible for the Shingles jab

For further information regarding the various NHS immunisation programmes, including the selective immunisation programmes, and additional vaccines for individuals with underlying medical conditions, please phone reception on 01892 546422, and ask to speak to our Office Manager.

Antenatal Clinics

Most antenatal care is now carried out at the surgery, shared by your GP and midwife.

Cervical Screening: Smear Tests

Depending on the result and the patient's age, these should be done every three to five years. A reminder will be sent when you are due. As a routine procedure, smears are normally done by the practice nurse.

Women aged between 24 and 64 should have a cervical screening every 3 to 5 years to help prevent cervical cancer. The screening is quick and painless and can be done here in the practice.

If you are aged over 24 and have never had a smear test, or if it has been more than 3 to 5 years since your last screening, you should arrange an appointment with our Practice Nurse. You should not have the test while you are having a period or in the 4 days before or after your period as this can affect the sample.

Learn more about cervical screening

Child Development Checks

A six-week check is carried out at the same time as a postnatal check. Health visitors carry out the 2 - 2 1/2 year developmental check (parental choice).

Contact your health visitor for details on Tunbridge Wells 03007 900243.

Childhood Immunisations

We offer immunisations as advised by Public Health England. Please visit the NHS website to view this information, copies are available at reception.

Covid Vaccination

Get information about COVID-19 vaccination, who can get it, and safety and side effects

Learn more about COVID-19 vaccinations on the NHS website

Family Planning

This work is shared between the doctors and practice nurses who are able to offer confidential advice on all methods of family planning, including pre-conception. Coil and implant fitting is offered by:

  • Dr Rachel Myers
  • Dr Stephanie Barrett
  • Dr Louise Hopkins
  • Dr Katharine Morris
  • Dr Nicole Averill
  • Dr Helen Creed

Please make a telephone appointment with them to discuss your requirements first. Consultation and provision of emergency contraception is available from the GPs and practice nurses.

Flu Vaccination

Find information about the flu jab, including who should have it, why and when

Learn more about flu vaccinations on the NHS website

Gender identity

Introduced July 2024

Tests: If over 18 years of age and under a UK shared care agreement, we can provide blood test. However, our clinicians do not take responsibility of interpreting or actioning any blood test result from both NHS or non-NHS requests. Patient can request a copy of the result or via NHS App and forward to their specialist.

Prescriptions: We only accept prescription request from NHS commissioned gender clinics. See links of eligible services:

How to find an NHS Identity Clinic

Gender Identity Research & Education Society

Healthy Living

We encourage all our patients to share responsibility for their health - both in the prevention and treatment of disease.

The following topics are covered by either the doctors or the practice nurses.

  • Advice on healthy eating: many medical problems are due to being overweight. We can tell you what your ideal weight should be and how to achieve it.
  • Exercise: helps prevent heart disease and control weight.
  • Smoking: is still the largest preventable cause of ill health in this country, especially cancer, heart and lung disease. The Practice Nursing Team can refer you to smoking cessation advice on a one-to-one basis, supplemented by nicotine replacement therapy where appropriate.

Health Checks

If you are aged 40 to 74 we can offer you healthchecks with a Healthcare Assistant. During the 30-minute appointment, information such as your age, gender, family history, height, weight and blood pressure will be collated, and you will be offered a cholesterol test. There will also be questions about your lifestyle. This health check is designed to help you identify your chances of developing a range of diseases. If there is an element of your lifestyle that you would like to change to help reduce your risks, we can help and support you to do so.

Patients in the above age group will automatically receive an invitation for this Health Check every five years. Please note: these appointments are arranged via invitation only.


We carry out private medical examinations for those who require them for personal/insurance reasons, and we also work with various local businesses.

See more information on non-NHS services we provide

Minor Surgery

This is undertaken by Dr Kirk-Smith and Dr Koshal and can avoid long waits at the hospital.

A large variety of conditions can be dealt with quickly using modern sterile equipment. Make an appointment with your own doctor or the practice nurse first.

Regular Clinics

Regular monitoring is offered to patients to assist them in the management of their condition, with the aim of keeping in good health. This will include those with:

  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Hypertension
  • Asthma and chronic respiratory disease
  • Diabetes

We also offer annual reviews for patients with epilepsy, thyroid or mental health problems.

Travelling Abroad

The surgery offers NHS Travel Vaccinations to patients registered at our Practice. Nurses offer individual assessments of travel risks and offer appropriate vaccinations including antimalarial. Occupational health risks are the responsibility of patients' employers. Please make an appointment with the nurse up to eight weeks before travel.

Visit our Travel Information page

More About Our Services