Patient Participation Group


Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) meets to provide a forum for discussion about the practice.

About the Patient Participation Group

A PPG is a group of patient interested in health and healthcare issues, who want to get involved with and support the running of their practice.

The aim of The Wells Medical Practice PPG is to give patients at our surgery an opportunity to become actively involved with the doctors and staff in planning and developing new services and to take an active interest in their own healthcare.

Meetings are held remotely on a bi-monthly basis.

Interested in joining?

If you’re interested please complete the following form.

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The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. The Data Protection Act 2018 gives you the right to know what information is held about you and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.

Minutes of The Wells Medical Practice (TWMP) PPG Committee Meeting

To request minutes of previous meetings, please contact the practice


17 June 2024 via Teams


Practice members:

  • Louise Handford (LH) (Practice Manager)
  • Elle Clarke (Office Manager)
  • Dr Rachel Myers-Lamptey (RML) (General Practitioner)

Patient members:

  • Husnara Begum (HB) (Chair)
  • David Kirkham (DK)
  • Roderic MacMillan (RM)
  • Mike Tyrer (MT)
  • Deana Leadbetter (DL)
  • Lucinda Curtis (LC) (Minute taker)


  • Sophie Daniel Jones (SDJ)
  • Beth Cran (BC) (Mental Health Care Navigators) 

1. Meeting Minutes

SDJ and BC joined the meeting to offer the PPG an overview on a new mental health offering, comprising two adult and one youth mental health navigators that is running across eight GP practices in the local area. The intention of this new service is to support patients who present with non-clinical needs but require extra support.

The service is only 6-7 weeks old and has already been able to help many people. Children from 5-17 and adults from 18 upwards can be referred to get this support.  It is possible for patients to self-refer via Anima.

Many of the issues patients come with are the consequence of financial problems, social isolation and loneliness. The service can help patients accept realistic goals towards their recovery and point them towards additional services which can offer a variety of help and support.

Currently, there is no waiting list to access the service. The service is available as either a one-to-one meeting or via a telephone conversation. The patient is able to choose which method they prefer.

  • HB asked how the surgery could help and was told that having PPG support to raise awareness of the service would be welcomed.
  • DL asked if the service was liaising with a diabetic App called Lever, which she herself has found to be extremely useful.
  • BC said she would look into this and thanked DL for highlighting the App. 
  • MT asked if the new service was liaising with existing services in the town.
  • BC reported that they do link up with Nourish and other services available at the Amelia Scott.  They also have plans to communicate with the wider community.

Fliers will be produced for distribution in GP surgeries.

  • HB suggested that alerting the local media outlets (newspapers and radio) could produce some positive result.  West Kent radio and Facebook were also suggested.
  • DK asked if the new team had developed a relationship with the DWP, as he has found from past experience that a great deal of stress and anxiety was caused to people trying to access their services.
  • BC was able to explain that patients with these types of problem are sent to the Citizens Advice Bureau.

2. Chair Announcement

HB announced that she is moving to Hertfordshire in early September and therefore standing down as Chair and would very much like to find a replacement before she leaves. She asked the members present if they would like to, or knew of anyone, who would like to take on this role.

RML expressed her thanks on behalf of the TWMP for the sterling support, help and enthusiasm that HB has provided to the entire staff, while acting as Chair of the PPG.

3. Dementia Awareness Update

As yet no new date has been fixed for the event.

4. Anima Update

LH explained the patients and practice team were still getting used to the new system. Mondays have seen a massive increase in demand for responses from the practice and relevant adjustments to staffing levels have been made to accommodate this additional need.

The volume of phone calls to the surgery has dropped by 20%, although they are expecting this to come down as more patients become used to the service. Typically, patients are complaining about the length of the questionnaire, but the service provider has been diligent at tweaking the system to provide a better service for users.

  • DL was delighted to hear that Anima are listening to complaints as she has several friends who are unhappy with the service. She suggested the next WMP newsletter addresses these concerns. 
  • HB thought that the newly added follow up button would be a welcome development as it will save patients having to complete the same initial enquiry form several times in a short period of time.
  • MT was concerned that getting test results back was not effective with Anima.
  • RML explained that test results were available on the NHS App.

5. Flu Clinic

The date for the expected flu clinic has been provisionally set for 14 September. LH asked if the PPG would once again act as volunteer guides on the day.

6. Patient Satisfaction Survey

HB recommend the survey is delayed until the Autumn as no one will be around during July and August. Also, this would allow time for the survey to be updated to include questions regarding Anima.

7. AOB

  • MT expressed concern about whether LH was receiving adequate levels of support by the practice in recognition of how challenging her role can be. 
  • LH said she has a wonderful team working alongside her. She added that she is delighted the staff at the surgery are very forward thinking and that her workload is manageable due to the constant support she gets from her colleagues.

8. Next meeting

Next meeting will be in August over teams.